Setup A New Account


Provide the information requested below to create a family account.

First Name:


Last Name:




Email Address:


School Code:



User 1 First Name:


User 1 Last Name:


User 2 First Name:


User 2 Last Name:


Phone Number:





Is This A Non Family Account?

User 1 Login Information

Email Address:


Confirm Email:




Confirm Password:


Security Question:

Security Answer:


Email Newsletter/Notifications

  • Periodic emails containing News & Notices are issued by your school's program administrator.
  • You can choose not to receive these by selecting NO below.
  • If you select NO, you are declining to receive the emailed News & Notices sent by administrators & coordinators.
Yes, I want to receive email notifications.
No, I do not want to receive email notifications.

Account Registration

Select School:

User 1 First Name:

User 1 Last Name:

User 2 First Name:

User 2 Last Name:

Phone Number:



User 1 Login Information

Email Address:


User 2 Login Information

Email Address:


Duplicate Account Found

It appears you already have an account. You are not a First Time User.

Your account information has been sent to the email address you listed on the previous page.

If you open that email and retrieve your password you can access your family account by selecting Login from the menu on the left.

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